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Building in Public: Log #4

1 March 2025

Written by Vivek Agrawal's photo Vivek (Founder, ListenUser)

Building in Public Log #4. Welcome, dear friend.

Every week I share an update on my journey of building ListenUser -- a customer support tool for SaaS companies.

This week I made the email forwarding and reply functionality.

Once our customers set up a forwarding rule on their support inbox, the emails they receive will get forwarded to ListenUser and they will be able to reply, assign their team members from within ListenUser itself.

The plan here is to keep all customer support requests in one place, be it from emails, in-app form or maybe Slack. All support requests should ideally be handled only via ListenUser. That's the vision I am moving forward towards one step at a time.

Here's a quick video (play at 1.5x) of me showing the implemented functionality.

This week I didn't get a lot done because I had to go to a relative's wedding and also had a huge fight with my partner. But tried my best to keep things moving.

The relaxing part is that, me and my partner resolved the fight, and are moving forward with a stronger bond and a much deeper understanding than before! 💪

Next week, I am going to focus on making the email attachments and fleshing the thread view with assignment and status functionality along with some UI updates.